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Lot of our products are made without nuts but our bakes are unsuitable for people with nut allergies as all the products are prepared in a bakery that uses nuts in certain products. Our products are also not suitable for people having allergies from milk, wheat and soy.
Good old chocolate cookies are everyone’s all time favorite cookie at any time of the day. Dunk them in a glass of hot milk and watch the chunks of chocolate on top melt a little. Indulge your taste buds in these rich chocolate cookies.
If you could experience heaven on earth, these cookies come pretty close to it. The best seller of our menu is an exquisite blend of premium ingredients and just melts away in your mouth. Rolled oats makes them a healthy option to eat and coconut flavor gives the “X” factor to these cookies.
The nutty flavor of peanut butter and chocolate hazelnut flavor of Nutella will make them your next favorite snack. This combination will hit the right spot to satisfy your cravings and get the party started in your mouth.
New peri peri flavor is the talk of the town right now. And combine this flavor with a crispy and crunchy base, its no less than a “cherry on top of the cake”. Low fat triangle crisps are baked not fried and they are perfect for healthy snacking.
Everyone is a fan of red velvet cake but these cookies take this flavor to the next level. These Red velvet cookies made with a dash of cocoa powder and comes out of the oven with caramelized white chocolate on top will surely give you the essence of authentic flavor.
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